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Knock Knees Knee Replacement Surgery


Do you have to get a full knee replacement in order to correct knocked knees? This is a big question because getting knock knees knee replacement surgery a very serious commitment to make, especially when it involves cutting open your knee.


The recovery process for a full knee replacement surgery is a very long one. In most cases the patient will have to learn how to walk all over again after the surgery is complete.


Most people who turn to a full knee replacement for knock knee correction have already tried other knock knee treatments such as exercises for knock knee correction but didn't have a lot of success.


This surgical procedure is so serious most doctors only recommend it as a last resort. If you think you have tried every other knock knee correction method and you're really ready to undergo knee replacement surgery then read on.


What Is Knock Knees Knee Replacement Surgery


This surgical procedure involves making numerous changes to your knee and it as we stated earlier the recovery process is long and tough. It can take you up to a year or longer to just learn how to walk normally again.


During the operation the surgeon will cut and fill the ends of your lower leg bones, femur, and kneecap with artificial hardware such as metal and plastic.


The entire surface at the ends of the thigh and lower leg bones will most often be replaced by the surgeon performing the procedure. Even though doctors are working hard to learn how to just remove the part of the knee that is causing the lower leg deformity, at this time the only effective way to fix bow legs or knock knees is to replace the entire knee.


It depends on the surgeon if they will or won't take out all your ligaments inside your knee joints. In most cases all ligaments inside the joints of your knee will be removed.


While undergoing this knock knee surgery your surgeon will most likely take out any bone spurs that are present while your knee is exposed.


You can find out more about this over at


When is Knock Knee Surgery an Option?


Getting a knee replacement done in order to correct knock knee should only be done under the following circumstances:

  • You've tried every other less invasive knock knee treatments that didn't work.

  • Your knocked knees are causing knee pain.

  • Your knock knees are causing arthritis.

  • You don't have the patients to do less invasive treatments for knock knees such as performing exercises daily.


Please give other forms of treatments for knock knees a try first before turning to full knee replacement. You shouldn't remove your entire knee (causing you to walk and stand differently for the rest of your life) if other treatments such as knock knee exercises or knock knee braces can help.

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